Votre partenaire en croissance digitale
A gallery and art area for modern artists and creative associations. We collect graphic works, posters, installations. We love parties and branches, meet friends and value the good time-spending.
MON - FRI : 10am - 7.00pm
SAT: 11am - 4pm
Aurel Hofer. Paintings
JAN, 3 – FEB, 7
DEC, 20 — FEB, 20
Our events
15. 8pm - 9pm
Tour by the main collection of the museum for children from 5 to 12
New art space opening. Gallus, Europa-Allee
Collection of our gallery has grown a lot. So we organized a new space for it. Come to support us in our new creative placement. Free entrance.

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Botanische Aquarell workshop
Raphaela Abich
A workshop for students and artists in practice. Botanical drawing is a special style and technique. It requires a particularly careful approach. The master class will be held by the author of the illustrations of the famous "Encyclopedia of Maurice "and the project"Japan in paints".

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Römerberg 8, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
Телефон +49 123 345 56 78
E-mail lazur@email.com
Время работы Mon - Fri: 10am - 7.00pm / Sat: 11am - 4pm
PHOTO CREDITS: Pedro Ribeiro Simões

All text, photo, and video materials belong to their owners and are for demonstration purposes only. Please do not use them in commercial projects.
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